I love the interesting links, reminds me of the Flog and, like it is on the tin, are interesting! Keep up the good work!

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This is so much like me that I had to read it aloud to my partner (who also agreed it was definitely an AU version of my life). I have books that I can’t even think of letting out of my life without a serious sob session. Thanks (truly) for making me feel a little bit less like a crazy person. πŸ’–

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I tried to finish the article first read but was still hung up on "fantasy anime golf game" and looked it up. Birdie Crush ? But seriously funny aside; perhaps move to ebooks. My entire book collection is now digital. How did I get here ? Have you ever tried moving countries ? You pack up all your long treasured items only to have them lost, have some foreign customs agent try to rip you off an then the insurance company tell you that the item is not really lost.. so not covered by insurance. Happened to me.. true fact. So I went digital and the other benefit... those midnight "I cant see Im blind" eyes... well you just increase the font size and you can continue reading into the long hours of the early morning like a 90 year old who's fingers are too tough to use brail.

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I'm really loving the newsletter ❀️ and I had no idea there was someone out there that feels the same way about books as I do. Stacks of them in every room! My husband, after nearly 40 years, has kinda stopped giving me that look whenever I go to any place that sells, exchanges or gives them away. Kinda πŸ˜‚

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A terrible and familiar problem. There's nothing immoral about getting a book out of your home. There's far more knowledge out there then you'll ever be able to fit into your brain.

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Honestly, having ALL THE BOOKS means that you are WINNING AT LIFE! (Perhaps for sanity though, you should urge the little one to go into the Library Sciences?)

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I have 7 boxes of books to donate. I really don't feel too gutted because even after that many pulled from the shelves I still have too many to fit on my floor to ceiling wall of book shelves. They're everywhere. I had to remind myself (every second of the thinning out) that its not a failing to love books, but it is important to get eyeballs rolling over those stories- the stories WANT to be read! They get cranky and accusatory when you keep them silent for too long. I too have had a very hard time reading since my kid came along. I have found wordless books like The Arrival by Shaun Tan to an interesting experience in "reading". Thank you for your honesty, humor, and diligence with communication. I always smile when I read your work :)

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I had a book on discrete mathematics sitting atop a book on mathematical proof techniques, both resting atop my weight bench until I figured out which pile to consign them. Then the cat happened. She knocked the discrete math text to the floor with a mild crash, bending the front cover back on itself completely. It was like seeing my child with a broken, twisted limb, lying on a playground. I righted the cover, put both books into a random pile and gave the cat firm talking to, which she slept through. I will never give up my books, but have considered getting more out of them. Piled strategically, they could act as a Halloween maze or a bulwark against home invaders. Though the latter won't work if the invaders bring cats.

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Perfect timing on this... I pulled 3 LARGE boxes of books out of my closet last week and decided I had to go through them and purge. Half of them are books I've read multiple times and will not get rid of (Harry Potter and JD Robb series) but half of them are books that I have moved twice now and have not read YET. There was an incident with a club size bottle of dawn leaking onto the boxes... This has given me anxiety as it "ruined" 2 HP books and a handful of others. I have now made stacks by author around my living room to force myself to start reading them so I can get rid of them. But... I am into other things right now - and reading while watching TV or playing video games is not at all achievable. I would have been better off just getting rid of the boxes without looking in them, but WHO DOES THAT? For now, I am trying to set realistic limits to what I can hold onto in my apartment, but it is rough.

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I feel you. I really love books. And not even just reading them but being surrounded by them. But I kinda move around too much to keep my personal library. I mean... I still have a lot of books... I'm working on it... I love the essay length, please don't ever make it shorter. I reallyenjoy your newsletter, thank you so much :)

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I’m like this with... most things! Really need to clean out the basement full of junk and mementos and old textbooks so my kid has more room to play, but it’s mentally painful! I like the idea of β€˜revisiting’ at a later time. That feels softer.

I love the essay length, love the linksβ€”always welcome recipes and fun things to check out. Keep it all coming!

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I'm confused. I too hoard books, but the ones that I have actually read at least once outnumber the rest by about 20:1 and they are generally easier to let go.

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I completely loved the whole newsletter! Personally, I was so grateful to go to a book reader, that I purge A LOT to the local library. I am so not sure if they were happy to get them or astounded or overwhelmed. My fetish was hardback books. UGH, the weight! On and Off my shoulders! Woot, you can do it!

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I have so many movies and so many books. The books are hard to get rid of especially as an author. The movies I can't really do either cause I watch or listen to them when I work out or shower.

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Awesome newsletter :) And as a fellow Southerner I always appreciate the occasional "ya'll" thrown in! Keep doing what you're doing! A great pause for me, now I gotta go plan a D&D game for tomorrow! Totally behind the 8-ball and probably going to wing 90% of it lol

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The way you are with books is how I am with my lists on all the streaming services. I have probably 50 movies and 75 tv shows crossing 5-6 streaming services. I know I won’t watch them all and for my anxiety I should delete some of them. Because when I actually go to watch tv I almost have a panic attack trying to decide where to start. Sometimes I just can’t decide and go play Overwatch instead.

You know what? You’ve inspired me. I think I’ll go through my lists and delete the movies and shows that have been in there for years but I’ve never started.

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