You, are such a wonderful nerd. I have NEVER played a video game, and I’m filled with regret. What I didn’t regret watching my daughter take out all the boys playing Call of Duty while she was in middle school. #LLTF🏴‍☠️🖤

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I wasn’t allowed to play video games, so I had Mario teaches typing and he would always say “you can do better” in his typical upbeat way. It was horrible. I think I should take a page from your book and try them now. And can I tell you how great it is to read from the perspective of another nerd mom!

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Hello! Long time fan 1st time newsletter commenter. I also played/learned from Mavis Beacon Typing. It was unique. Thanks for the flashback memories. Grew up not much of a gamer with only basic dos type programs or what came with Window 3.0 Minesweeper baby! My brother was first to have dial-up & he'd play war-type games with little sisters not allowed. Fell in love with my cousin's Nintendo & Mario franchise. Later on my sister got a Playstation for playing Spyro. I'm blown away by the variety now & know my anxiety can't handle playing many. I mostly enjoy watching others play kinda like tv.

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Mario Kart and Bomberman! These games introduced some of the members of an all-women pro esports team to gaming. I read the article the day after reading Felicitations #16 and thought this crowd might be interested. Enjoy!


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We watched every episode of Co-Optitude! My 10yo still watches them, but she doesn't catch most of the jokes.

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Bomberman was not a creep just because he loved to run right up in there! ..He was just misunderstood. He had tons of love to give. Megatons. In the form of explosives. Sometimes the things coming at him might've been a little clingy, but that's just a clear example of his magnetic presence.

-or her. Bomberman could be a woman. Just saying.

So could Luigi. The game line isn't finished yet, is it? Maybe Dr. Peach can help her out.

..it's not like you didn't make it clear that you weren't the professional gamer who excelled at Nintendo 27 hours a day using one pinky toe and an earlobe to dominate button mashers since you were 3 months old..

You had fun with your bro playing games you hadn't.

Rose's are red

Violets are blue

You're smart for enjoying braid rotting games with your daughter in almost any capacity that doesn't involve breaking controllers.

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I never got into Mario or Nintendo either, despite having had an SNES when I was a kid. I got into Street Fighter and others very quickly.

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My Bro also only lets my niece and nephew play nintendo games as well b/c they're more kid friendly and cartoony and what not and he can play with them as well so they get to spend more time with daddy . I even bought a switch so Uncle can play with them over the internet, we've all enjoyed Minecraft Dungeons and i never thought i would A) ever own a nintendo being an adult and B) ever play something called Minecraft. But here i am. lol.

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You should try out Super Princess Peach on 3DS. She’s the one doing the rescuing. It’s a super cute & fun game. I’m honestly upset they’ve never ported it. 😕

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I still watch Co-Optitude now and then. It's timeless, truly. :)

Ironically Felicia, I had an Amiga with 100+ games and it was what my friends who had consoles wanted to play! I guess it was just a different dynamic with our friends. We had access to games they didn't so it was new to them. :)

Anyway, thank you for sharing!

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My whole family loves ACNH and we loved living vicariously through our characters during the spring and summer of 2020. We each have our own Switches and copies of the game so we could visit each other’s islands and have parties. It’s fun to game with your kids! My 7-year-old recently fell in love with Miitopia, so I started playing, too. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it. I had the most fun designing all of the characters based on people I know! Thanks for sharing your stories!

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I loved co-optitude. As a "girl Gamer" who didn't have the cool consoles growing up it's cool watching you experience old school games. I too had never played any of the classics before you two showed me them in a fun casual way. :)

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I'm in my 40's and have a Nintendo Switch on my nightstand ☺️ You and your daughter are making awesome memories!! Thank you for sharing 😊

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We bought a Nintendo 64 over the holidays visiting in-laws in Kansas when everyone — all of us — got norovirus. The pull of Mario Karts was so strong that despite everyone feeling like throwing up everything they had eaten in the past month we still played it.

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In Dark Souls 3, the Curse Rotted Greatwood killed me a lot. I stopped counting after my forty-second death. My eventual triumph taught me that the Greatwood was one of the easier bosses. I still play video games. Not the Dark Souls ones.

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If you ever show her Adventure Time, you can compare Peach to Princess Bubblegum! Badass scientist royalty

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