I really wish I could but it’s a little too far. Thanks for taking the time to be there at Fan Expo.

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You are absolutely perfect for this show! We attended the Twenty Sided Tavern back in July. It is a real treat for fans of D&D. There is so much to take in. They thought of everything from the gobo projections on the walls to each prop on the shelves. Playing along with the app is so much fun! We are really sorry to miss you! I'm sure your performance will be hilarious! Maybe they can talk you into staying a few more weeks! 😁 🧙🏻‍♀️🎲

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So cool! I used to love theater too and I miss it a lot, so I get where you’re coming from. I’m not near NYC so sadly I’ll miss the show, but break a leg!!

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The teenage headshot and your description made me laugh out loud! Hope you have a blast in NY!

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That sounds like fun. Break a leg. (Okay so don't really break a leg but you get the idea.)

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Cant make it but good luck to you on your “debut”

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As always, appreciate the stories and the interesting links Felicia. The family just made kolaczki tonight. May want to treat yourself to this simple but a little laborious Polish treat while working on that Polish.

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You have fun being you.

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Just finished Third Eye! Loved it! Waiting for the sequel...🧡😁

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I love this newsletter. This is so exciting. Your off Broadway debut in Twenty Sided Tavern. No need to be nervous, you will be amazing, just like you were for the Daggerheart one shot.

You had me laughing through that RPG improv performance. Plus, you get to roll that huge 20 sided dice. You will be wonderful at this comedy improv where the audience drives the adventure and the you drive the laughs. < 3

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